It is that time of the year when people look back on their lives to see how far they have come, reflect, or plan for
Year: 2016
Wood Slice Snowmen Ornaments
If you have been around the blog the last couple of weeks, you might have noticed I have kind of been on a wood kick.
Chicken Eggs vs. Duck Eggs
In recent year, many folks have taken more of an interest in where their food comes from and the quality of that food. This phenomenon
DIY Painted Wood Slice Ornaments
Over the summer, one of our neighbors cut down a Black Walnut tree. The tree company that dropped it and took it, left behind a
DIY Log Candlesticks
This summer, one of our neighbors cut down a beautiful Black Walnut tree. They sold the tree to a wood company, because they hated the
“Old Fashion” Oven Baked Chex Mix
For me, the holidays just aren’t the holidays without Chex Mix. I grew up in a family that every Thanksgiving and Christmas, my mother would
Organic Purifying Facial Cleanser (Because Homesteading Can Get Dirty)
Let’s face it, if you homestead, you deal with a lot of dirty things. The term “crap happens” is like a homesteader mantra and we
Mexican Tater Tot Casserole
Do you ever get in a dinner rut? You know, the same things keep showing up every week. I am so tired of having the
How to store Garlic, Onions and Tators (long term)
Weather you grow your own or buy in bulk, you will be faced with how to properly store garlic, onions and potatoes long term. There
Molting Season – More than leaves are falling around the coop!
Chickens are adorable as chicks, but then they quickly grow up into roos or egg laying machines. Then one day *POOF* they start dropping feathers
October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month
You might remember that earlier this month we were in the Purina First Egg Happy Dance contest, which we won (thanks to all who voted.) Besides
Super Easy One Pot Lasagna
This is the easiest 30 minute lasagna you will ever make! And you can make it in a single pot! There is no boiling of
Halloween Camping
Every year, for what seems like forever now, our family has an October tradition that some years seems to even overshadow actual Halloween…… Going camping
30 Minute Mozzarella Stuffed Meatballs
In my quest to cook more, I have found I just don’t have the tie to make elaborate meals. I mean who am I kidding,
Easy DIY Vultures!
A few Christmases back my uncle gave me four pink flamingos. I’m still not sure why he decided I needed four pink birds for my