Let’s Hatch Chicks! is a delightful new book by author Lisa Steele. While a departure from her first three books, which are geared toward adult readers, Let’s Hatch Chicks! is a heart warming tale of Violet the hen and her quest for motherhood. This book is packed with wonderful facts and darling illustrations, making it appealing to both the youth it is intended for and the adult who will read it to them.
Sound wonderful, right? But what do kids think about Let’s Hatch Chicks!? That’s a good question and one that my country kids fully intent to answer for you!
I have known Lisa for about five years now. Last year we actually had a chance to sit down for lunch. The littlest country kid was instantly smitten by “Miss Lisa.” When she told me she was writing a children’s book, of course the littlest country kid couldn’t wait to see what Miss Lisa had written. When our copy of the book arrived, he couldn’t unwrap it fast enough!
The littlest country kid is currently in kindergarten, and while he is beginning to read, this is not a book he could tackle on his own. Despite being unable to really read the book on his own, he very much enjoyed using the illustrations to infer what was going on in the story.
The glossary words, which appear in bold in the story’s text, are another element he picked up on. He attempted to sound out these words and whether he was successful or not, we spent time talking about the words and discussing their meanings. Not to brag, but he is a smart little guy and knew what the majority of the words meant. Of course he has spent his whole life around chickens!
The littlest country kid enjoyed the story of Violet, who decided it was time to be a mom. From collecting eggs and sitting, to the actual hatch and raising of her young, he was enchanted by her journey. And it is hard not to be taken with Violet and her tale, when she and her chicks are captured in such delightful illustrations. From simple little eggs to adorable chicks, violet’s family invites the reader to come along on their special journey.
I was a little surprised when the oldest country kid put down his Kindle to take a peek at Let’s Hatch Chicks! The oldest country kid has Asperger’s and loves birds, but he is in sixth grade. While the reading level was below him, he did comment he enjoyed Violet’s story. While he was not the intended target audience, he did like the more technical aspects of the book. Of particular interest to him were the scientific facts of embryo development and the hacthing process. It reminded him of when we hatched chicks.
Let’s Hatch Chicks! is not your basic children’s literature. While it is a story about Violet the hen, it contains so many fun facts, that children with curious minds will be enthralled. Let’s be honest, I was enraptured with the day to day growth section. I have raised chickens the majority of my life and had no idea their eyelids formed on day 8 of incubation!
I highly recommend this book be added to your family library. It would also make a great gift to your school or local library. Let’s Hatch Chicks! is not only entertaining, but educational. And if you ask the country kids, they both gave the book two thumbs up. So that is a total of four thumbs from them!
Copies of Let’s Hatch Chicks! can be purchased on Amazon. Lisa is so sweet and generous, and we have partnered to give one lucky person their very own SIGNED copy of Let’s Hatch Chicks! How fun is that?!?!
Giveaway Time!!!
This contest is open to US residence and a winner will be selected by randomly draw on Feb.14, 2018. We would love you to the moon and back if you like our pages when you pop over to visit them on Facebook, but it isn’t necessary to win.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Yes. I have 1 broody hen.
I love your review! While I have no children of my own, I think this would be a great gift for my nieces and nephews. Thank you for sharing!!
Yes my hens have hatched eggs many times. Love it when they do
Thanks for the giveaway.
I love this book and would love to win one for my grandchildren
We hatched some eggs last year and ended up with 1 rooster and 2 hens. We were very happy because a mink got into our coop and killed all our adult birds. The chicks were in the garage thankfully and a few days ago they started laying.
We had a hen hatch some of our duck eggs last year and are planning to do the same this year.
I have not hatched eggs or any of my hens. I have all roosters. I would love to hatch baby chicks for my son and I. He would find that so neat.
I haven’t hatched chicks yet, but we plan on it next year! I would prefer to use a hen gone broody, so there is still the possibility of it this year. I have only had my hens since August 2017, and no one has gone broody yet!
I would really love for my kids to experience the chicks growing into adult chickens.
My grands have chickens now and they are all named and loved. Gathering eggs is fun and exciting for them.
When I was younger, I would help my grandmother.. I always thought it kind of magical!
I hatched chickens for the first time last year. My grandson is looking forward to helping me this year. This book would be great to go along with this experience
I remember the first time we hatched chicks! So exciting!
We hatch our own chicks. Some we keep some we sell. Would love this book for the grandkids. Found you on Simple Homestead blog hop
Yes we have hatched, love the book.
Love, love, love! My granddaughter loves all things chicken, and I have slowly gathered great hen and chick toys and outfits for her!
I’m a teacher and a huge lover aid all things children’s books and chickens, so I was extra excited when Lisa announced this book! I got my first incubator for Christmas this year from my husband and I am anxiously awaiting spring this year so we can hatch eggs for the first time and add to our flock of 12! I would love to win this book!! Fingers crossed!
Yes, we have hatched chicks, It has beeb a few years, so I plan to hatch a few this year so our youngest can watch.
We have done both but have found tjatthe incubator wotks best.
I have never hatched my own, but looking forward to it at some point. Thanks for the giveaway!