Homemade Apple Fritters

I love a GOOD doughnut, pastry, or fritter now and then. I mean, who doesn’t? And it’s not like I NEED to have one, but come on, we all WANT one, right? But no one want a treat filled with preservatives or that has been sitting in a gas station doughnut case who knows how long. And not all of us live near a bakery. Well fear not my fine friends, I have a homemade apple fritter recipe, with simple ingredient, that will make your taste buds sit up and thank you!

Fritter Ingredients
2 Tablespoons granulated sugar
2 large eggs
1 cup all-purpose flour
2 tsp. baking powder
½ tsp. cinnamon
½ tsp. salt
¼ cup milk
2 tsp. fresh lemon juice
3 cups peeled, cored and chopped apples (firm pie type apples)
Vegetable oil for deep-frying (enough to come halfway up sides of pan or skillet)

Start by creaming together the sugar and eggs. Next add in the flour, baking powder, cinnamon, salt and milk. Let everything mix for a couple minutes so that it is well combined. In another bowl mix the chopped apples with the lemon juice. The lemon juice helps keep the apples from browning. In my house however, I don’t think there is enough lemon juice in the world because my country kids always come in and snag apple and it seems like I am chopping forever. I swear, one of these days they might get a wooden spoon to the knuckles if they don’t stop pilfering my food before it is made!

Using a spoon/spatula, add the apple mixture to the batter and stir well to combine. You want to get those little apple chunks all covered with batter.

Now comes the fun part, frying these bad boys up! Your oil should be heated to 375 degrees before you start frying your fritters. You want the temperature high enough to properly fry the fritters. I used my 1/4 cup measuring cup to scoop but the batter and then took a spoon and gentle pulled the batter out of the cup and let it plop into the oil just barely above the oils surface. You do not want to splash hot oil, it will take all the fun out of making these.

You will want to fry the fritters about 2 – 3 minutes per side, till they turn a lovely golden brown. When the fritters are brown on both sides it is time to take them out. I used two forks to just go in and grab them like a little claw since we don’t own and proper frying tools. Hmmm…… Why don’t we own any proper frying tools!?!?! Anyway, place your fritters on a paper towel to drain and cool.

Now comes the fun part…. deciding how you want to top your fritters. Some people like to sprinkle the fritters right out of the fryer with powder sugar, but I am more of a glaze kind of girl.

Glaze Ingredients
1¼ cups powdered sugar
¼ tsp. vanilla
3-4 tsp. warm water

Now here is the important part of glazing fritters. Do not, I repeat, do not dip them in the glaze. Too much glaze can make your fritters soggy and well, no one wants a soggy fritter. Use a pastry brush and paint your glaze on your fritters. Also make sure they are on a rack so that the glaze doesn’t collect under the fritter and make it soggy. Can you tell I might have firsthand experience with soggy fritters? Once the one side of glaze is dried, turn your fritter over and do the other side. Why? Because can you every really have enough glaze?!?!?!

These apple fritters are such a treat, and don’t worry… even if they do get a little soggy, they are still oh so good and beat a gas station fritter any day of the week!

22 thoughts on “Homemade Apple Fritters

  1. Wow these look good! Stopping by from Try a New Recipe Tuesday…Nice to meet you! 🙂

  2. Oh I haven't had fritters for years. I used to love pineapple ones as a girl. Thanks for sharing at #WednesdaysWisdom and have a great week.

  3. Looks so good! I love apple fritters! Pinned!

    Found you on Thursday Favorite Things blog hop!

  4. Yum! I usually shy away from making things that need to be fried at home, but I might have to change that for these!

    1. I am not a big fan of fried foods, but apple fritters….. apple…. that's healthy, right?

  5. Oh my! Yum! Pinning! Thanks for sharing @ the What to do Weekends party! Can't wait to try your recipe!
    Theresa @ Shoestring Elegance

  6. Oh My Heart—-These look delicious!! I have Pinned
    Thank you for sharing on the #OMHGFF this week!!
    Have a great weekend, Karren

  7. Those look delicious! Definitely a yummy fall treat – and the apples keep it a tad nutritious, right? LOL

  8. I have always wanted to try fritters! They look fun to make. My husband has the same grab apple habits as your kids, I'll have to try the wooden spoon to the knuckles trick next time I catch him! Lol!

  9. My grandmother used to make apple fritters and I loved them! Thanks, not only for the memories, but for giving me a recipe to try, as I never got hers. Also, this was the most viewed post from last week's Try a New Recipe Tuesday! Congratulations! Your feature will be going live in just a few minutes. 🙂

  10. I'm not usually of frying things at home since it just makes a mess, and then you have to deal with the dreaded clean up. However, I might have to make an exception for these! Plus, it's got apples, so it's healthy, right? 🙂 Thanks for stopping by and sharing this recipe on Five Friday Finds! I'm looking forward checking out your recipe this week. 🙂

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