A Week of Homestead Photos August 14th – 20th

Time to take a deep breath and relax! The 4-H projects made it to the fair, my health is rebounding, the temperature is dropping, and we have nothing on the schedule! It feels so strange to not be going in fifty different directions, but I’ll take it.

The ducklings are growing well and will be heading to their new homes soon. The chicks we got this spring are now starting to lay! And for once they finally got their eggs IN the nest box. Hey, it is the simple things that thrill me.

The oldest country kid is already planning for the fair next year (and it isn’t even over yet for this year.) I am planning for the coming school year. The littlest country kid is heading off to public preschool and the oldest country kid will be homeschooled again.

So what made me smile this week?

A flotilla of ducklings. Dirty, dirty little ducklings. 

My naughty hen that about made me loose my mind.
Time for our first ever public chicken shaming! 

How can you not feel all squishy when you see such cuteness!

Eggs, laid in the proper place! Finally!!

Just four of the oldest country kid’s 26 fair projects in the “winner’s circle” portion of our fair both. The kids in our club did amazing work and cleaned up on the special prize ribbons!
 Well the temperature may be going down but it is hot, hot, hot in the garden! Check out these Trinidad Scorpion peppers! On the Scoville Scale it ranks 1.46 million!! I believe that makes this the second hottest pepper in the world. So who wants some salsa?!?!?! *wicked grin*

  Our first tomato of the year, finally.

The duckling herd on a bug hunt. Is it me or does the one in the middle just look like it is
saying “Moooom, the crazy lady with the camera is back.”

 The littlest country kid was making friends at the county fair.
Remember to take time out of your busy day to find your own things to make you smile!

12 thoughts on “A Week of Homestead Photos August 14th – 20th

  1. Your public chicken shaming made me laugh out loud – she knew where she was so why were you worried? Just like kids huh? What a wonderful experience your oldest had – hard work does pay off. Once again, you've given me lots to smile about. Hugs and blessings

  2. You have an awesome life girl! I love to read about all your mis/adventures!! Thank you for making me giggle!

    1. I guess I just try to focus on the ups and enjoy the little things. It really does make life better that way.

  3. Oh to live on a farm! The ducklings are adorable! Keep sharing your special photos.

  4. I love seeing photos of your babies! 🙂

    Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J!

  5. Love your ducklings! Your kids did great at the fair! Congratulations! Thanks for posting on #overthemoon!

  6. Love the pictures, as usual. Ducklings are cute, but I've heard they're kind of jerks when they get older? Our spring chickens just started laying this month too! We recently made a fenced in yard for them, but they were free ranging before that and I finally found their stash of eggs in a space next to the house. There were EIGHTEEN!!!

    1. Oh chickens and ducks are the worst at hiding eggs LOL I just learn to roll with it. I'm pretty good at know all the spots now.

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