We interrupt this broadcast….

So, today is the day. I am having a hysterectomy. I tried to prepare this blog, my facebook page and everything behind the scenes, aka my family and home, for this event. I have posts scheduled, but I still don’t feel ready. So just a heads up my friends….

You will see our hop on Saturday. There will be an abbreviated version of our Week of Homestead Photos. Heck, I even have a Critter Spotlight scheduled for next Tuesday. But, I have no idea how I am going to feel once I get home. I have no idea how looped up on pain meds I will be. Heck, in the event of something going really wrong, I have no way to tell you all I dropped dead. *sigh*

So if after Tuesday you never see another post on this blog, well I guess you will figure it out. You’re smart people.

Wish me luck and a speedy recovery. I will miss the friendship you all have given me while I am sitting in that majorly uncomfortable hospital bed, but I hope to be back with you all very soon.

26 thoughts on “We interrupt this broadcast….

  1. Good Luck you'll do great! I had one in 2012, was home the next day – no real pain – and back to work in three weeks.

  2. Thoughts and prayers are coming your way! Will look forward to the post that says "all went well". Dona

  3. Take a step back and remember what is most important: You and your lovely family. Sending good wishes for your speedy recovery.

  4. Praying your recovery will be quick and complete. Remember to take care of yourself and let others help! I enjoy your blog and will miss it while you're out of commission. Take care!

  5. Prayers for a speedy recovery. Let your family take care and pamper you. Looking forward to reading your posts when you feel better.

  6. you will be just fine….
    sending healing juju for a speedy recovery – look forward to seeing you in my newsfeed again.

  7. Hugs and prayers heading your way – get lots of rest and let the body do what it does best – heal.

    1. Much better then a week ago, but still not 100%. The mind is able but the body says sit down fat girl LOL

  8. Whew, that's no mean feat, man! A friend of mine just had one this summer and she's doing fine and it went well and she'd getting through it as expected, but it's just really such a long recovery. I hope yours flies by!

    1. Its already been a week and I feel better than I should. I have to remind myself to take it slow.

  9. Oh bless you! I hope all went well. Just off to check on the rest of your blog and hopefully find out how you are feeling, Mindie!

  10. Oh dear! Sending prayers for a speedy recovery! Looking forward to you sharing with us on the Art of Home-Making Mondays at Strangers & Pilgrims on Earth when you feel better! 🙂

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