This spring and into the summer has been a battle of epic proportions. Our two female ducks kept hiding nest, trying to make another bid
Month: July 2017
Egg Bound Hens – Causes, Symptoms, Treatments and Prevention
I’d like to say that this was the first time I had ever dealt with an egg bound animal, but I can’t. Being egg bound
Dos and Don’ts Of Going To A Drive-In Theater (And Why You Should GO!)
I have wonderful memories of going to the drive-in movies with my family as a child. My folks would place our tiny lawn chairs on
Easy Peasy Homemade Blueberry Jam
I love making jam. There is nothing like popping open a jar of jam in the deed of winter and tasting all that yummy summer
Ladybug Release and Care Tips
Ladybugs have been valued as farmer’s helpers since medieval times, so it was only logical when we decided to combat our aphid problems this year,
Grilled Veggie and Chicken Stir Fry
Recently we were asked by Cave Tools to do a review of their Vegetable Grill Basket. Having already tried their Wood Chip Smoker Box and Rib Roast
When Life is Passing You By
Recently I took a break from blogging. I told myself it was only going to be a week or two, just long enough to get