When I say the word homestead, what pops into your mind? Is it a vision of vast land, large gardens, and critters everywhere? For some,
Tag: Homestead
Winter Travel Survival Tips
Winter survival kits are not just for motorists who drive back roads. Unexpected weather conditions can find even city drivers in a predicament. No matter
Cold Weather Duck Care
For anyone in colder climates, caring for outdoor animals in the winter can cause worry, especially if it is your first winter caring for these
Putting a New Roof on the Critter Shed
We knew the roof had issues, but so did our bank account. We knew it was getting weaker and weaker every time it rained. And
When Life is Passing You By
Recently I took a break from blogging. I told myself it was only going to be a week or two, just long enough to get
So What Ever Happened to Betty’s Brood? (A Duck Update)
It has been a long time since I did a Duck Tales post. The last time I shared was this spring as Betty’s brood of
How to Can Green Beans. Yes You Can!
A few years back, my mother gifted to me her old (aka missing pieces) pressure canner. After purchasing a few parts we had that bad
What Tators Taught Me
The potato is an important staple food in many peoples’ diets. Potatoes are rich in vitamins B and C, potassium, protein, complex carbohydrates, and fiber.
40 bags in 40 days….. Getting rid of the crap
I’d seen it before…… The 40 bags in 40 days challenge and thought, what a good idea, but I had always looked the other way
How To Peel Garlic Like A Pro!
No one likes having their fingers smell like garlic, well at least I don’t! And no matter how much you wash, it just lingers…… like
How to survive when the power goes out….
I am not a prepper or a survivalist, but that being said, I do have first hand personal experience on this topic. You see, last
Why DE is NOT the antichrist!
Diatomaceous earth is a naturally occurring substance. I have written about it before, but recently, it has been given a bad rap by some folks
What Mom Never Told You About Mice In Your House
Only dirty people have mice, right? WRONG. Growing up we lived in the country, and ever fall, the cooler temps signaled the coming of the
Heartworm Is On The Rise. What you need to know…
Our family rescued a young dog last year, Heidi. She is a beautiful lab mastiff mix, who in her short 10 months prior to us
Baking Soda Vs. Baking Powder
If you bake often enough, you will notice that some recipes call for baking soda, while others ask for baking powder. Both are leavening agents