Getting a live Christmas tree can add a special touch to your holiday season but it can also end in disaster if you don’t properly
Category: Homesteading
Natural Ways to Repel Mosquitoes
Summer is the season for outdoor living, but when mosquitoes ruin your relaxing backyard, what are you to do?!? Relax and turn to Nature!
Maple Sugaring
When it comes to Maple sugaring, aka making REAL Maple Syrup, most folks think of Vermont. And while Vermont is responsible for over 40% of
The Flood of 2018
We have faced many nature related issues here on our little property, but this year we experienced another first…. flooding. As the rains began that
How to Homestead Where You Already Live
When I say the word homestead, what pops into your mind? Is it a vision of vast land, large gardens, and critters everywhere? For some,
12 Skills That All Homesteaders Should Know
Homesteading is all about doing more for yourself and your family, and there are certain skills every homesteader should know. These basic but important skills
Winter Travel Survival Tips
Winter survival kits are not just for motorists who drive back roads. Unexpected weather conditions can find even city drivers in a predicament. No matter
How to survive when the power goes out….
I am not a prepper or a survivalist, but that being said, I do have first hand personal experience on this topic. You see, last