Right before spring each year, there is a fever that goes around. It is a disorder that comes with many symptoms including extreme anticipation. It
Tag: Chicken
Keep Eggs From Freezing (And what to do with them if they do!)
Eggs become more valuable in the winter as production slows down due to shorter days. With fewer eggs in your nest box, you don’t want
Christmas Gifts Your Chickens Will Love!
Tis the season for sending Christmas cards, baking cookies, and wrapping up gifts for those we love. I know many folks out there not only
Everything You Need to Know About Molting
Does it look like a pillow just exploded in your coop? Does you hen look like a pin cushion? Relax, your flock is just molting!
Egg Bound Hens – Causes, Symptoms, Treatments and Prevention
I’d like to say that this was the first time I had ever dealt with an egg bound animal, but I can’t. Being egg bound
A Broody Hen: What is it and what do you do about it
When it comes to raising chickens, sooner or later, you’re going to get a broody one. As with all living things, there is an inner
Do Chickens See Better Then Humans? – Fascinating Facts About Chicken Eyesight!
The other day my hubby asked me what colors chickens see. I know, we have odd conversations around here. I knew they could see colors
When You Open a Magazine and See Your Own Face!
At the beginning of the year, I was contacted by a UK publication about writing an article for them. They were looking for around 2,000
Fairy Eggs – My Chicken Laid What!?!?!
Raising chickens can be a rewarding and sometimes magical adventure. There is nothing like getting your first egg! When a hen first starts laying her
Opossums in the Hen House!
When you have livestock, predators will show up. This is true for backyard poultry. Just because you might live in a nice little subdivision or
Chicken Eggs vs. Duck Eggs
In recent year, many folks have taken more of an interest in where their food comes from and the quality of that food. This phenomenon
Molting Season – More than leaves are falling around the coop!
Chickens are adorable as chicks, but then they quickly grow up into roos or egg laying machines. Then one day *POOF* they start dropping feathers
October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month
You might remember that earlier this month we were in the Purina First Egg Happy Dance contest, which we won (thanks to all who voted.) Besides
7 Tips for a Tidy Nest Box
When it comes to backyard chickens and collecting eggs, no one wants to get an egg with dirt or worse, poo, on it. But how
Helping Chickens Beat the Heat
Summer is here and the heat is on. Chickens do not do well in heat! In fact, heat can be downright dangerous for your chickens.