First time chicken keepers may be a little startled the first time they see one of their birds in the act of dust bathing. Why?
Tag: Chicken
Vent Prolapse (What to do when your chicken’s butt falls out)
It was a Monday like any other around here, crazy and hectic. When the littlest country kid came inside to tell me that one of
Understanding the Pecking Order
If you intend to have more than a single chicken, you are going to need to know a little bit about the “pecking order” and
The 6 Important Elements of a Homemade Brooder Box
Bringing home baby chicks can be exciting, but there are six things you need to put together so that your homemade brooder is perfect for
How to Pick Chicks
Its spring and that, at least to me, means chick season. That glorious time of the year when feed stores have bins of baby chickens
Why Aren’t My Chickens Laying?!?!
One of the great things about owning chickens are the amazing eggs they provide. Many backyard enthusiasts get chickens for that reason. There is nothing
Grumpy Goldie Goes to the Vet
Recently I had to take our Alpha hen, Grumpy Goldie to the vet. Now some people giggled at me, taking a chicken to the vet
What is a Lash Egg?!?!
Let me start by saying, a “lash egg” is NOT an egg at all. Oh no. Some may be more egg shaped then the one
Henny & Roo Subscription Box Review (and Giveaway!)
You might have seen those boxes you can subscribe to for your dog, meals or beauty products. Well now there is a box just for
12 Myths About Chicken Eggs
When it comes to eggs, there are a lot of myths and misconceptions out there. So I decided to take a minute to clear up
Avian Influenza, What you need to know
By now, if you have poultry or even just watch the news, you have heard about “Bird Flu.” But what do you really know about
We Hatched Chicken Eggs!!!
Late last fall a friend of mine offered us a dozen hatching eggs. Well winter in Michigan is no time to be hatching out chicks,
Hatching Eggs, The Long Wait…
On March 20th, we started our latest greatest adventure….. hatching some eggs we got from a friend. We have never hatched chicken eggs before, so
We’re Hatching Eggs!
It is spring time and for us, that usually means a trip to the local feed store to pick out a few new additions to
What NOT To Feed Your Chickens
When it comes to keeping any animal, you just want the best for them, this includes their diet. We may even fuse over what is