It has been a week of freakish things around the homestead. We got a freak snow storm that dumped over a foot of snow on us in just 24 hours. While my hubby was none too thrilled, the ducks and the country kids were in winter heaven! The chickens were siding with my hubby.
I also had a freak accident and got a concussion. Who said baking isn’t dangerous! LOL I had a cookie sheet fall off of the top of our kitchen cabinets and strike me in the head. Talk about painful! The lump on my head was monstrous, the headaches are still painful, but I am proud to say I dented that cookie sheet, and good! I must admit, it is kind of funny to see people’s faces when I explain I got a concussion from a cookie sheet.
So what made me smile this week?
We put in a few more taps for collect sap to making maple syrup. Hubby had to run to get another container for this tap and the oldest country kid didn’t want to waste any sap so he sat there with his tongue under it collecting the sweet drips. THIS is how childhood should be!!! Turn off the computers, pause the video games, go taste a tree! |
My best friend has gone into business selling these beautiful hand
stitched pieces of art! I am so proud of her. |
We got around 9 gallons of sap from our three trees in just one day!
I love Maple syrup season. |
I am planning on putting a new roof and walls up on our critter shed and redoing the inside pen situation. Well the littlest country kid had some modifications for my design. LOL There is always a critic in every crowd.
We got over a foot of snow and the ducks LOVED it. They have been “swimming” in it, plowing through it, and digging beak deep, as you can see by the evidence all over their faces! |
It warmed up just enough that Mother Nature got to do a little art. |
Buffy doesn’t like going out in the snow, but she does enjoy eating it
off my boot every time I go in the shed. I feel like a snow-cone delivery girl. |
The oldest country kid is a part of an autism spectrum program at a local zoo. I captured this young mandrill being, well, just a kid. I know it isn’t homestead related, other then we were there because of the oldest country kid, but it just made me smile. Kinda reminded me of the country kids. LOL |
Remember to take time out of your busy day to find your own things to make you smile!
Very cool pics again this week! I get such a kick out of those ducks!! If they love the snow, why do other feathered fowl fly south for the winter? Suppose I could Google it, but I'll just ask you instead! Dona
Well I can tell you what I know, which isn't much LOL Duck feet are less sensitive to the cold compared to other birds. Plus their down feathers keep them insulated.
Thank you for sharing this wonderful glimpse into your life with us at the Hearth and Soul Hop. I do hope your headaches are subsiding – I'm so sorry to hear you got a concussion! And a foot of snow – oh my!! Thank you so much for being a part of our Hearth and Soul Hop community.
My headaches are gone, finally, thank you for your concern. The snow, well it is Michigan in winter LOL
I love these type of posts. More than once I have considered redirecting my niche. The one of your son getting sap from the tree made me smile. Can't get fresher than that! Pinned and shared. Thanks for linking up at #OverTheMoon! I hope you will join me at #Wonderful Wednesday.
My son is such a goof LOL I am glad you enjoy peeking into our weird world.
Hope you're feeling better! I got a concussion taking my little guy down a tunnel slide last year. That was kinda funny, too!
LOL At least you were doing something physically active, I was just standing in my kitchen! LOL
I love your idea of taking photos of your day! Also, didn't know sap was clear! Wow! Found you on Katherine'sCorner. Brenda/
Sap is just water and sugar so it is clear when it comes out of the tree. You have to boil it down to evaporate the excess water and in the process the sugars caramelize to that beautiful color we all know as maple syrup. We are finish up our first batch and I can not wait to taste it!