Long ago, in days gone by, when covered wagons crossed the west (are you becoming nostalgic yet,) women folk had homesteading skills. One of those
Month: January 2014
Valentine’s Day Love Bugs
I am not a big fan of Valentine’s Day. To me it is just a Hallmark Holiday that shames men into spending WAY to much
Homemade Chicken Pot Pie
Since we have started doing meal planning, I know where I am going each day when it comes to dinner. It is almost a relief
Basic Bread Making
Welcome to a weekly series where we are going to help you learn skills, tips, and trick to help you on your journey of homesteading.
Surprise!!! Baby Bunnies!!!
This whole crazy (mis)Adventure start, unbeknownst to me, 28-31 days ago. I however wasn’t clued into the goings on till around 2:30pm on Wednesday. That
What’s for dinner? Meal Planning!
I don’t know about you, but around here we tend to have the same meals over and over. I hate the rut. Then there is
Quiet Country Interrupted
I love my small town, quiet country life. The quack of the ducks, the wind in the trees….. I am not one for the big
Camp Fire Craft
When you think about camping, now is NOT the traditional time of year (at least in our snowy neck of the woods) to be doing
Tribes-A-Dozen Voila! HALLAH Bread Mixes (Review)
If you have been a regular reader, you will have picked up on the fact I like to bake, a lot. I do most of
Lard…Better then “shortening” and you can make it yourself!!!
Now days there is a movement to get back to the “old ways.” People are saying “don’t eat it if your grandmother wouldn’t recognize it
Homesteading is about TRYING
Eggs from our hens When I started this journey as the “Born Again” Farm Girl, it started simply with a pair of chicks because
Another year of (mis)Adventures begins
January 1, 2014.…. “They” (who ever they are) say today is the first day of a 365 page blank book and to write a good