I love feeding the birds and the country kids love to sit at the window and watch them. I swear our back window is like a television to them. And with some of the programming on today, well I would rather they sat at the window and watched birds! Every
Tag: craft
Turn Your Front Door Into A Thanksgiving Turkey!
At our house, we do not skip holidays. We love each one, so each gets its time to shine. Since Halloween is over, and despite what the retail stores are trying to prove, Thanksgiving is the next holiday on our list to celebrate. Since Christmas has already taken over full
Dollar Store Halloween Centerpiece
I love Halloween, it is one of my favorite holidays. I love the decorating (not too scary) and letting the country kids trick or treat. I am so blown away by the cost of store bought decorations, not just for Halloween, but most holidays. I just don’t understand why it
Bug Buddies
Bugs….. Most people who garden, don’t really care for those bad creepy crawlies who tend to do damage. Heck, some folks just dislike bugs for no reason, like my hubby. When we first meet, well let’s just say he has learned to live with them, IF they stay outside. But
Make Your Own Stained Glass Leaves
Fall….. the time of year when the trees change from a mass of green to a beautiful display of colors. Now, if your children are anything like my country kids, well during the fall they have to pick up what seems like EVERY beautifully colored leaf they find and attempt
DIY Corkboard Coasters
No one likes ugly water markers on their tables…… So what do you do? Well if you are over 60 you use a coaster….. If you’re under 60 you should use a coaster! But why settle for plain old coasters when you can make your own, in any shape you
DIY Recipe Plate
Do you love giving baked goods as gifts? Do you sometimes include a recipe card? I bet that card gets misplaced 8 out of 10 times! So why just give food and a misplaced card, when you can give a dish that keeps giving!! Let’s say you take aunt So
DIY Corkboard Trivet
I know some of you are asking…. what is a trivet!?!? And why do I need to make one!?!? Well a trivet is an “object” placed between a serving dish and your table to protect your table from heat and/or moisture. Handy little thing really. In “olden days” these were
DIY Easter Candy Dish
Makes a great gift! I enjoy being crafty. But now days with the country kids and the critters always needing my attention, I have to keep my crafts simple and quick (or childproof so they can help!) I am getting into the Easter mood and decided to make something to
DIY St. Patrick’s Day Garland
I love celebrating all the different holidays this great world has to offer and that of course includes St. Patrick’s day. I love being crafty and making decorations myself. One thing I don’t like is spending a lot of money to do it. Call me cheap or call me frugal,
St. Patrick’s Day Center Piece
St. Patrick’s Day is coming soon, the one holiday when it seems everyone claims to have a bit O Irish in em!! Well I get my bit O Irish from my maternal grandmother, so no pinching please! We celebrate all things St. Patrick’s, from leprechauns to pots of gold. On
DIY Mini Greenhouse
The snow is still covering the ground and spring is still a ways away, but the oldest country kid loves to grow things. He is always asking to plant seeds. So when it is too cold outside, what is a mama to do!?!?! I came up with this project….. It
Basic Hand Sewing
Long ago, in days gone by, when covered wagons crossed the west (are you becoming nostalgic yet,) women folk had homesteading skills. One of those skills that could be elevated even to an art form was sewing by hand *gasp* By hand you say!?!?! Yes! Fast forward to today and
Valentine’s Day Love Bugs
I am not a big fan of Valentine’s Day. To me it is just a Hallmark Holiday that shames men into spending WAY to much to prove their love. Have you looked at the price of a dozen roses on Valentine’s Day vs any other day of the year!?!?! I
Camp Fire Craft
When you think about camping, now is NOT the traditional time of year (at least in our snowy neck of the woods) to be doing such activities. But we love going camping and winter does create cabin fever (also known as “MOOOOOOM, I’m bored!!!.) So what to do, what to